Supporting a Balanced and Well Connected Life Through Active Aging
This class is an ongoing Intermediate to Advanced study of the Longsword in both sport and combat techniques as taught in the published works of 16th century fencing master Joachim Meyer (1537–1571) and other related historical texts. This is a hand's on (i.e. - "sword in hand") type of class with some limited academic discussion for context and relevance. Prior Longsword experience is required.Minimum requirements are:* HEMA rated Fencing mask (students/attendees must provide their own protective equipment)* 4+ months of prior Longsword training and/or completion of the Longsword Foundations I class.Instructors are provided by the St. Paul Freifechter, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to the study and practice of Historical Martial Arts.For questions - contact